Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Page 7, Panel 2


Benjamin Glendenning said...

good progression fellas, and a big fat DIBS!

scottygod said...

Nice. What of the blue dude? Will we discover more about him at Cosmic Ranger HQ? Will Abe even make it there or will he be misdirected again?

Unknown said...

"I may need to start seeing a shrink." Hahaha! Good one!

Heckboy said...

Hey,I thought I called dibs on this panel! Lemme turn my mic up...


scottygod said...

Ben beat you to it, Chris. Blogger's had some trouble lately about posting comments, if you did indeed try to call it earlier.

I'm super stoked to get off of this planet and see some more rangers.

Ryan Cody said...

Yeah Chris, I read through the comments on PG7,P1 and did not see anyone had called it. Sorry if I stole your thunder there buddy.

Benjamin Glendenning said...

...I never get Dadicus "man-love" ...and i paid for it.

Ben Perkins said...

Poop. Too late! Damn busy life! This is all awesome, and I can't wait for a crack at bat again!!

Stunnin stuff so far.